La déclaration d'innocence est un acte essentiel que doit réaliser le défunt avant d'accéder à la salle de la pesée de l'âme. Il s'agit de la formule 125 du livre "Sortir au jour" également connu sous le nom de "Livre des morts". Cette déclaration est également connue sous différentes appellations, "Confessions négatives" ou encore les "42 lois de Maât". La formule prend une autre dimension si l'on se réfère à l'article du papyrus de Neferoubenef proposé par Noëlle Timbart : "Formule pour entrer dans la cour des deux Maât et adorer Osiris qui préside à l'Occident" dans le livre "Les Portes du Ciel (page 174)".
La déclaration d'innocence n'est pas une revendication, auprès des dieux, de la morale qui a habité le défunt dans sa vie précédente. Elle peut être considérée comme l'une des étapes du purgatoire. Il s'agit à ce moment de dire "ce qui doit être dit" lorsque l'on accède à la salle des deux Maât afin de purger les fautes du défunt et de voir le visage des dieux. C'est à cet instant que le défunt à l'issue d'un voyage périlleux pénètre dans le tribunal d'Osiris. Le passage devant les quarante-deux divinités est assimilé au tribunal des morts. La déclaration que devra effectuer le défunt face aux quarante-deux divinités n'est pas une apologie du déni du péché. Il est évident que le mort a commis des fautes et personne ne le nie. Cette confession permet de les absoudre et ainsi de permettre au défunt de perpétuer son existence auprès d'Osiris. Il ne faut pas perdre de vue que la déclaration d'innocence est réalisée afin de séparer le défunt de toutes les trangressions qu'il a commises, de la même façon que l'on est lavé des péchés à la sortie d'un confessionnal.
Avant de prononcer la déclaration d'innocence, le défunt se trouve devant la porte de la salle des deux Maât, il doit donner le nom des différentes parties qui la composent. Il s'agit pour lui de la seule façon d'y accéder, ce qui lui permettra d'entamer un processus afin de sauver son âme. Les questions, au nombre de trois, portant sur la porte lui sont posées par Anubis :
-* Connais-tu le nom de cette porte ?
Tu écartes Chou est le nom de cette porte.
-* Connais-tu le nom du seuil ?
Maître de rectitude, qui est sur ses deux jambes.
-* Connais-tu le nom du linteau ?
Maître de force, qui introduit le bétail
Anubis répond "passe puisque tu as donné les 3 réponses Osiris ---."
Tu écartes Chou est le nom de cette porte.
-* Connais-tu le nom du seuil ?
Maître de rectitude, qui est sur ses deux jambes.
-* Connais-tu le nom du linteau ?
Maître de force, qui introduit le bétail
Anubis répond "passe puisque tu as donné les 3 réponses Osiris ---."
Une fois les portes ouvertes le mort interpelle Osiris de la façon suivante :
(Traduction réalisée d'après le texte d'Allen et Faulkner présenté ci-dessous)
Salut à vous, grand Dieu, Seigneur de Justice ! Je suis venu à vous, mon Maître, afin que vous puissiez me mener pour que je puisse contempler votre splendeur, car je vous connais et je connais votre nom et je connais les noms des quarante-deux dieux qui vous accompagnent dans cette salle des deux Maât, qui vivez sur ceux qui entretiennent le mal et qui salivent de leur sang sur ce jour du Jugement des hommes en présence de Wennefer (Grand Prêtre d'Osiris à Abydos sous Ramsès II, membre d'une famille influente). Contemplez le double fils des Chanteuses (d'Amon); Seigneur de Vérité est votre nom. Contemplez je suis venu à vous, je vous ai apporté la vérité, j'ai repoussé le mensonge pour vous.
Le défunt récite sa première déclaration d'innocence (Je n'ai pas menti, ...)
Je suis Pur. Je suis pur. Je suis pur. Je suis pur. Ma pureté est la pureté de ce grand Phénix qui est dans Héracléopolis, parce que je suis en effet ce nez du Maître des souffles qui a fait vivre tous les hommes ce jour d'achèvement de l'Oeil Sacré dans Héliopolis le dernier jour du deuxième mois d'hiver, en présence du Seigneur de cette terre. Je suis celui qui a vu l'achèvement de l'Oeil Sacré dans Héliopolis et rien de mal ne surgira contre moi en cette terre dans cette salle des deux Maât, parce que je connais les noms des dieux qui s'y trouvent.
Ensuite le défunt récite la déclaration d'innocence en s'adressant à chacun des dieux les uns après les autres. Enormément de traductions ont été proposées, je m'en tiens donc toujours à celle de Allen et Faulkner. Afin de garder encore un peu de mystère à cette déclaration, elle ne sera pas retranscrite en français.
Depuis quelques temps déjà, je me pose la question suivante : les 42 divinités de la déclaration d'innocence ne seraient-t-elles pas intimement liées aux 42 nomes de l'Egypte antique ? Si c'est le cas, la déclaration du défunt à une valeur symbolique bien plus importante qu'une simple déclaration aux dieux.
-* Ne s'agit-il pas d'une profession de foi au peuple égyptien ?
-* A qui s'adresse réellement la déclaration, aux dieux ou aux hommes ?
Je souhaite pouvoir y répondre prochainement.
The Declaration of Innocence - Chapter 125
Translation by Allen and Faulkner - Provided by Marie Parsons
N shall say:
Hail to you, great God, Lord of Justice! I have come to you, my lord, that you may bring me so that I may see your beauty, for I know you and I know your name, and I know the names of the forty-two gods of those who are with you in this Hall of Justice, who live on those who cherish evil and who gulp down their blood on that day of the reckoning of characters in the presence of Wennefer. Behold the double son of the Songstresses; Lord of Truth is your name. Behold I have come to you, I have brought you truth, I have repelled falsehood for you.
I have not done falsehood against men, I have not impoverished my associates, I have done no wrong in the Place of Truth, I have not learnt that which is not, I have done no evil, I have not daily made labor in excess of what was to be done for me, my name has not reached the offices of those who control slaves, I have not deprived the orphan of his property, I have not done what the gods detest, I have not slandered a servant to his master, I have not caused pain, I have not made hungry, I have not made to weep, I have not killed, I have not turned anyone over to a killer, I have not caused anyone’s suffering, I have not diminished the food-offerings in the temples, I have not debased the offering cakes of the gods.
I have not taken the cakes of the blessed, I have not copulated illicitly, I have not been unchaste, I have not increased nor diminished the measure, I have not diminished the palm, I have not encroached upon fields, I have not added to the balance weights, I have not tempered with the plumb bob of the balance. I have not taken milk from a child’s mouth, I have not driven small cattle from their herbage, I have not snared birds for the gods’ harpoon barbs, I have not caught fish of their lagoons, I have not stopped the flow f water in its seasons. I have not built a dam against flowing water, I have not quenched a fire in its time. I have not failed to observe the days for haunches of meat. I have not kept cattle away from the God’s property, I have not blocked the God at his processions.
I am Pure. I am pure. I am pure. I am pure. My purity is the purity of this great Phoenix that is in Heracleopolis, because I am indeed the nose of the Lord of Wind who made all men live on that day of completing the Sacred Eye in Heliopolis in the 2nd month of winter last day, in the presence of the lord of this land. I am he who saw the completion of the Sacred Eye in Heliopolis, and nothing evil shall come into being against me in this land in this Hall of Justice, because I know the names of these gods who are in it.
Declaration of Innocence Before the Gods of the Tribunal
-* Hail Far-strider who came forth from Heliopolis, I have done no falsehood.
-* Hail Fire-embracer who came forth from Kheraha, I have not robbed.
-* Hail Nosey who came forth from Hermopolis, I have not been rapacious.
-* Hail Swallower of shades who came forth from the cavern, I have not stolen.
-* Hail Dangerous One who came forth from Rosetjau, I have not killed men.
-* Hail Double Lion who came forth from the sky, I have not destroyed food-supplies.
-* Hail Fiery Eyes who came forth from Letopolis, I have done no crookedness.
-* Hail Flame which came forth backwards, I have not stolen the god’s offerings.
-* Hail Bone-breaker who came forth from Heracleopolis, I have not told lies.
-* Hail Green of Flame who came forth from Memphis, I have no taken food.
-* Hail You of the cavern who came forth from the West, I have not been sullen.
-* Hail White of teeth who came forth from the Faiyum, I have not transgressed.
-* Hail Blood-eater who came forth from the shambles, I have not killed a sacred bull.
-* Hail Eater of entrails who came forth from the House of Thirty, I have not committed perjury.
-* Hail Lord of Truth who came forth from Maaty, I have not stolen bread.
-* Hail Wanderer who came forth from Bubastis, I have not eavesdropped.
-* Hail Pale One who came forth from Heliopolis, I have not babbled.
-* Hail Doubly evil who came forth from Andjet, I have not disputed except concerning my own property.
-* Hail Wememty-snake who came forth from the place of execution, I have not fornicated with a child.
-* Hail You who see whom you bring who came forth from the House of Min, I have not misbehaved.
-* Hail You who are over the Old One who came forth from Imau, I have not made terror.
-* Hail Demolisher who came forth from Xois, I have not transgressed.
-* Hail Disturber who came forth from Weryt, I have not been hot-tempered.
-* Hail Youth who came forth from the Heliopolitan nome, I have not been deaf to words of truth.
-*Hail Foreteller who came forth from Wenes, I have not made disturbance.
-* Hail You of the altar who came forth from the secret place, I have not hoodwinked.
-* Hail You whose face is behind him who came forth from the Cavern of Wrong, I have neither misconducted myself nor copulated with a boy.
-* Hail Hot-foot who came forth from the dusk, I have not been neglectful.
-* Hail You of the darkness who came forth from the darkness, I have not been quarrelsome.
-* Hail Bringer of your offering who came forth from Sais, I have not been unduly active.
-* Hail Owner of faces who came forth from Nedjefet, I have not been impatient.
-* Hail Accuser who came forth from Wetjenet, I have not transgressed my nature, I have not washed out the picture of a god.
-* Hail Owner of horns who came forth from Asyut, I have not been voluble in speech.
-* Hail Nefertum who came forth from Memphis, I have done no wrong, I have seen no evil.
-* Hail Tempsep who came forth from Busiris, I have not made conjuration against the king.
-* Hail You who acted according to your will, who came forth from Tjebu, I have not waded in water.
-* Hail Water-smiter who came forth from the Abyss, I have not been loud-voiced.
-* Hail Prosperer of the common folk who came forth from your house, I have not reviled mankind.
-* Hail Bestower of good who came forth from the Harpoon nome, I have not been puffed up.
-* Hail Bestower of powers who came forth from the City, I have not made distinctions for myself.
-* Hail Serpent with raised head, who came forth from the cavern, I am not wealthy except with my own property.
-* Hail Carrier-off of His Portion who came forth from the Silent Land, I have not blasphemed God in my city.
-* Hail Fire-embracer who came forth from Kheraha, I have not robbed.
-* Hail Nosey who came forth from Hermopolis, I have not been rapacious.
-* Hail Swallower of shades who came forth from the cavern, I have not stolen.
-* Hail Dangerous One who came forth from Rosetjau, I have not killed men.
-* Hail Double Lion who came forth from the sky, I have not destroyed food-supplies.
-* Hail Fiery Eyes who came forth from Letopolis, I have done no crookedness.
-* Hail Flame which came forth backwards, I have not stolen the god’s offerings.
-* Hail Bone-breaker who came forth from Heracleopolis, I have not told lies.
-* Hail Green of Flame who came forth from Memphis, I have no taken food.
-* Hail You of the cavern who came forth from the West, I have not been sullen.
-* Hail White of teeth who came forth from the Faiyum, I have not transgressed.
-* Hail Blood-eater who came forth from the shambles, I have not killed a sacred bull.
-* Hail Eater of entrails who came forth from the House of Thirty, I have not committed perjury.
-* Hail Lord of Truth who came forth from Maaty, I have not stolen bread.
-* Hail Wanderer who came forth from Bubastis, I have not eavesdropped.
-* Hail Pale One who came forth from Heliopolis, I have not babbled.
-* Hail Doubly evil who came forth from Andjet, I have not disputed except concerning my own property.
-* Hail Wememty-snake who came forth from the place of execution, I have not fornicated with a child.
-* Hail You who see whom you bring who came forth from the House of Min, I have not misbehaved.
-* Hail You who are over the Old One who came forth from Imau, I have not made terror.
-* Hail Demolisher who came forth from Xois, I have not transgressed.
-* Hail Disturber who came forth from Weryt, I have not been hot-tempered.
-* Hail Youth who came forth from the Heliopolitan nome, I have not been deaf to words of truth.
-*Hail Foreteller who came forth from Wenes, I have not made disturbance.
-* Hail You of the altar who came forth from the secret place, I have not hoodwinked.
-* Hail You whose face is behind him who came forth from the Cavern of Wrong, I have neither misconducted myself nor copulated with a boy.
-* Hail Hot-foot who came forth from the dusk, I have not been neglectful.
-* Hail You of the darkness who came forth from the darkness, I have not been quarrelsome.
-* Hail Bringer of your offering who came forth from Sais, I have not been unduly active.
-* Hail Owner of faces who came forth from Nedjefet, I have not been impatient.
-* Hail Accuser who came forth from Wetjenet, I have not transgressed my nature, I have not washed out the picture of a god.
-* Hail Owner of horns who came forth from Asyut, I have not been voluble in speech.
-* Hail Nefertum who came forth from Memphis, I have done no wrong, I have seen no evil.
-* Hail Tempsep who came forth from Busiris, I have not made conjuration against the king.
-* Hail You who acted according to your will, who came forth from Tjebu, I have not waded in water.
-* Hail Water-smiter who came forth from the Abyss, I have not been loud-voiced.
-* Hail Prosperer of the common folk who came forth from your house, I have not reviled mankind.
-* Hail Bestower of good who came forth from the Harpoon nome, I have not been puffed up.
-* Hail Bestower of powers who came forth from the City, I have not made distinctions for myself.
-* Hail Serpent with raised head, who came forth from the cavern, I am not wealthy except with my own property.
-* Hail Carrier-off of His Portion who came forth from the Silent Land, I have not blasphemed God in my city.